Saturday, March 19, 2011

Press photography vs. Art photography

Press Photography vs. Art Photography
What is Press Photography?
<Author: Peter Nicholls      >
Press photography is a journalism characterized by the use of images to tell a story. The images in photojournalism may contain explanatory captions and words, or shown independently.
What is Art photography?
<Author: Rodney Smith     John Clearly Gallery>
Art photography is a photograph that is created in accordance with the creative vision of the photographer as an artist.

Press photography
Art photography
Needs to be honest and informative
No need to be honest and informative
Involves specific events
Does not involve specific events
Must have fact, realistic meanings

Similarity of Press photography and Art photography is, they both can be altered by photographers and artists.
Is it ethical and acceptable to alter press photographs?
<Author: Robert Clark  >
Altering press photographs is unacceptable because of various reasons. Press photographs involve specific events, and it needs to contain facts, information, and honesty. Altering the pictures is not ethical, because it can alter the way the story is represented. If you are using pictures to report the news, then the photographers are responsible for their images. The Ethics Guidelines of the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) determine that photojournalists will not alter images and will inform the audience about staged photographs and illustrations. CAJ also quoted “Photojournalists are responsible for the integrity of their images. We will not alter images so that they mislead the public. We will explain in the photo caption of a photograph has been staged. We will label altered images as photo illustrations.”
Press photographs should not be altered, and must present to viewers just as they are.

Is it ethical and acceptable to alter art photographs?
<Author: Moti Goldman       >
Not like press photographers who needs to be responsible for telling the truth and honesty in their pictures, Art photographers have more freedoms. They are also responsible for their picture and images, but not like press photographers. It is ethical to alter art photographs, because by altering the image it can more express the feelings, meanings, and also the story of photographer wanted to tell. These photographs can be created in accordance with the creative vision of the photographer as artist, since they do not need to be informative, why not make photograph more interesting and creativity?
Art photographs can be altered as long as the viewer knows that it has been altered.

Icevska, G. (2009).  Shooting the Truth: How Photographs in the Media Betray us. Retrieved on March 17, 2011 from

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Assignment #3

The above picture has been cropped to a specific area in order to emphasize the movement of Siberian husky. Furthermore the surrounding area is slightly blurred out also to create a focal point of the image. Also, the brightness took an important factor as well because of the shade that had been created by the fence. Thus, the upper location of the image has been increased its brightness. The secondary image was created and overlaid on top of the original one to smooth-out any rough edges. The snow had to have a slightly brighter shade than the other objects because I wanted to express the idea of northern arctic dog and how it’s friendly to the snow. The black textured boarder was added because too many colours could hinder the beauty of black and grey husky. Textured boarder was a perfect fit for this image because it goes against the Gaussian blurred areas.

Above image should be beautiful but due to previous weather conditions, I decided to use the image as an art work. First of all, the river is very muddy and looked polluted. Thus, I decided to colour the river a light blue and over lay the colour so it’s more natural. Also, the reflection on the river was added. Furthermore, the sky looked very foggy because of the camera that was used to take this image. So, the clouds were added and over laid on top of the image. In addition, the whole image had to be rendered so the above editing should look artistic rather than realistic. The image should look like it’s been painted by an artist with oil paints and a knife.   

In conclusion, I have used editing skills for two different purposes. The first one had too large view of the image and the viewers could not tell the main point of image. Thus, cropping and blurring were critical on the editing process. The quality of second image was very poor due to the camera. Thus, the artistic way of editing was needed. In my opinion, edited images do not hold greater value than the original ones. However, in above cases, I believed that sufficient amount of editing could envelop the viewers.

Image one : Siberian husky taken at my boyfriend’s house
Image two : West Grand Canyon

Saturday, February 5, 2011


My name is Reina Kim, currently I am a Hotel Management student.

I studied Marketing at Georgebrown College in 2005. After studing marketing for 2 years, I realized this major is not in my interest anymore, since I am a kind of person who love to deal people with excellent customer service. I dropped out from the college, while I took a 1 year break figuring out what I really want to study that can make me happy, and that can help me to find me a job that I can be successful in it.

After knowing that Hotel Management is the area that I can be really good at, I re-applied to George Brown Collge. I just finished my externship in Delta Meadowvale Hotel and Resort, which give a great experience and courage. I am expected to graduate this year.

I am very outgoing and talktive person.

Thank you for your time